Here are two pieces of a triptych I finished up before the holidays--oil on Claybord (archival panel,) the long narrow piece is 10x30 inches and the other two (one not pictured) are 16x20 inches in size. These are part of the running water series I've been working on; the third panel is finished but is not being photogenic enough to post at this time! I also have a series of pics of the underpaintings on all of these. I will try to get those cropped in and posted soon.
It's always difficult to work in enough studio time this time of year, between the holidays and year-end taxes and everything else. I am hoping to pick up the thread on this series and finish the other images I have been thinking of and then go on to something completely different. This series came about because of my endless fascination with running water. There is something magical about streams and rivers. The way the light refracts off the surface and also illuminates the bottom of the stream as it moves constantly, calling out its own music; it seems to have a life of its own. The many organisms that share this environment are also part of the allure. With these paintings I am attempting to capture some of that living motion in a still media; a moment of time frozen but hopefully still fascinating.
I will keep you posted (bad blog pun, sorry!) on the rest of the series as it progresses!